About Us
‘Publishing is all about embracing risk. When discussing an idea for a potential new book, I do not try to predict its sales. Rather, I ask whether there is something exciting or useful about it that might capture the imagination of its intended market.’
Laurence King

Established in London in 1991, Laurence King Publishing is one of the world’s leading publishers of books and gifts on the creative arts. We work with the best illustrators, designers, artists and photographers to create beautifully produced books and gifts acclaimed for their inventiveness, design and authoritative texts.
For over 30 years, Laurence King Publishing's playful and eye-catching books, games and gifts have been capturing imaginations and expanding horizons in new and unexpected ways. In September 2020 Laurence King was acquired by Hachette UK and incorporated into the Orion Publishing Group, marking the start of an exciting new era for Laurence King.
Laurence King Verlag
Founded in Berlin in 2017, Laurence King Verlag is the German-language subsidiary of Laurence King Publishing Ltd. We publish a select number of German-language books, children’s books and gifts in the fields of design, fashion, art, architecture, and photography, and distributes LKP’s English list in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Ethical and Sustainability Policy
Laurence King Publishing has an ongoing commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices across all the areas of our business.
We are a longstanding participants in the Book Chain Project, an initiative set up to help publishers make informed buying decisions at every stage of their book supply chain.
We use PREPS (a database for responsible environmental paper sourcing) to help us source the most sustainable paper suppliers and PRELIMS (a database of the publishing industry Code of Conduct for suppliers) to ensure that we only work with printers who meet recognised standards for both labour and environmental practices.
If you have an idea for a book that you think we might like, why not get in touch? For editorial submissions, please contact: commissioning@laurenceking.com.